Monday, November 2, 2009

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (review)

Title: The Lost Symbol
Author: Dan Brown
Illustrator: N/A
Pages: 509
Genre: Fiction
Dewey Decimal: F Bro
ISBN: 978-0-385-50422-5
Cost: $29.95 ($9.99 on Kindle)

Dan Brown does it again. And again. He has become the best selling author to write the same story over again.

The latest novel from Brown is very much like The Da Vinci Code. The only difference is it takes place in Washington D. C. instead of Paris and the secret group is the Masons instead of Opus Dei. The rest is pretty much a cookie-cutter copy of the plot with the same kind of twists and turns and action you would expect from Brown.

So while I suffered through many predictable scenes and the expected outcome of the final chapters, there were a few redeeming qualities. First, the Masons are depicted as a fairly nice group of people. The Opus Dei group was not given such a nice fuzzy feeling, but the Masons come off as a group with secrets that try to do good.

And there were even a few scenes that I did not predict at all or scenes that I did not predict correctly. This meant I still had a few surprises when reading the story, but not enough for me to want to read another book by Dan Brown. I outgrew my cookie-cutter plots when I stopped reading the Hardy Boys.

The Lost Symbol does well on the Kindle. The graphics and symbols appear nicely and there's no need to miss out on any of the "hidden" clues. Everything is there in black and white, just like in the print version.


Don White said...

I liked The Lost Symbol but I liked The God machine by Sandom a lot more.

Neil Richard said...

Haven't heard of that one, but I'll put it on my list of books to check out. Thanks!