Friday, June 19, 2009

Plougman King by Kurt R. A. Giambastiani (review)

Title: Plougman King
Author: Kurt R. A. Giambastiani
Illustrator: N/A
Pages: 226
Genre: Fiction
Dewey Decimal: F Gia
ISBN: 1-4116-4254-6
Cost: $16.99

In the years after Ploughman's Son (reviewed here), we see that Alain has risen in powers political and magical. But inside he’s still carrying the tack to the stable with hands caked in dirt. A part of him will always be a ploughman’s son.

Wrdisten, the ever faithful second fiddle, was the true standout in the story. Be it my preference for secondary characters or Kurt’s writing, Wrdisten made the story. Switching from friend to advisor, fighting alongside Alain then in front of him, servant to equal. There was a lot of quality content and situations to work with. There were many great dialogues between him and others (and not just Alain and Bronwyn).

Which leads to the mysterious Bronwyn. While I’m sure Kurt has no plans at the moment to continue the Ploughman Chronicles, he did set up a few story lines that could easily be used in a third book. She had a bit of a curtain drawn around her history from the start, but we can now see there’s more behind there. Lots more.

How did the Fey get into the Summerland? What is the Veil and how was it carved on Alain’s chest? These questions and many others began piling up during my reading. But it all boiled down to the people, the characters. That’s where the story was. That’s where I’d find my review.

Just beyond the veil of questions, lay the answers.

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